BSC-50D - Autonom GPSR/SMS/RTU, -larm/händelse/dataloggerBSC-50D är en GPRS RTU med data hantering och inställbara larm. Den har väldigt låg energiförbrukning och kan användas i fält upptill 15 år utan att behöva byta batterier. Enheten passar bra för larm/mätnings applikationer med sina fyra digitala ingångar, en puls ingång. Detta gör att den lätt kan installeras på redan befintliga hårdvarusystem hos er och kan sköta övervakning av maskindrift. Händelser och larm skickas till en eller flera larmmottagare via sms eller mail.
Ring oss för modelkonfiguration och priser. 0500-6000 22
Exempel applikation
AERINOS BSC-50D battery powered RTU with an OPTEX EX-35R sensor is an optimal solution for long term, autonomous intrusion alarming. The EX-35R is an ultra low power PIR sensor, drawing only 3.5μA in standby operation. The PIR sensor is powered from the BSC-50D internal battery. A 'Walk test' option with LED indication can be selected, by a sensor internal jumper, for adjusting the detection range.

The sensor provides two Form C solid state switches (NO, NC, COM), one for motion alarm and one for tamper alarm. The sensor outputs are wired to the DI1 and DI2 BSC-50D digital inputs. The NO terminal is used for the Alarm input (DI1). For the Tamper input (DI2), the NC terminal is used, in order to include the case of cutting the cable. An ON-OFF switch, wired to BSC-50D DI3, is used to disable (On position) the GSM alarming (Disarm switch).
Up to 20 SMS recipients can be declared in the BSC-50D unit. The unit sends a Status SMS to the administrator on transitions between arm and disarm state. The unit can also send periodical status messages to the administrator, for verifying the system availability and GSM signal strength. A wireless RF Remote Control Switch, as the Velleman VM130 remote control set, can be applied in the place of a hand switch, for arming and disarming the alarm system remotely.
An additional digital input (DI4) is available for connecting door or window switches to the BSC-50D unit with a respective alarm annunciation.
The BSC-50D internal temperature sensor can be used to measure and record temperature with periodical data transfer. The unit can remain connected on the GSM network for a short period (up to 255 seconds) after sending a Status SMS, expecting a remote configuration SMS from the system administrator, e.g. add or remove a user, change timings and rates, etc.
SMS Alarming
Autonomous operation for over 10 years
Arm/Disarm capability
Flexible user administration
Periodically sending status messages
Simple setup and installation
Remote configuration capability
Battery lifetime
Different low power sensors can be used for indoor and outdoor applications. The lifetime of the BSC-50D internal battery (LSH-20) depends on the current draw of the applied sensor. In some cases extra batteries for the sensors must be provided for the proper system operation. In the following table, the battery lifetime is calculated for different low power OPTEX motion sensors: